Sunday, November 18, 2012

Roast Pork Sandwich Meat for lunches - how to provide nutritional and economical sandwich meat?

Recipe Title:   Roast Pork Sandwich Meat (Click here to go to my YouTube Video)

My son David takes sandwiches for his lunch every day to work. Like most people who work, it is a challenge to find good choices for sandwich making. The question is: how to save money yet ensure that you are eating wholesome foods that are easily accessible and easy to prepare?

I have a great solution for all your sandwich meat problems. Shop smart(look for meat on sale), plan ahead, roast meat for dinner, save the leftover meat for sandwiches and freeze sliced meat in sandwich portions to be used as needed for lunches.

 By: Miriam Borys


1  X 4.39 kg. (9 ½ lbs.) pork loin roast

Choice of vegetables to roast while pork roast is in the oven:

potatoes – peeling is not necessary if using new potatoes  - add oil and seasoning
onion – peeled and cut into chunks, add to potatoes
garlic – peeled, leave whole & add to potatoes
carrots – peeled and cut into chunks
cauliflower – cut into large florets
squash – peeled and cut into large chunks – coat in olive oil and seasoning
yams – scrub well and cut into chunks, no need to peel
fresh or dried herbs
salt & pepper
¼ cup olive oil

If buying a large roast, divide the roast up into manageable size pieces. For the roast on my video I cut it into 4 chunks and put the three not being used in separate freezer bags in the freezer for later use.

Pre heat stainless steel sauté pan on medium high heat.
Rinse roast under cold running water, pat dry with a paper towel and season roast with salt, pepper and desired herbs (such as Italian, pepper flakes, oregano etc).
Check to see if pan is hot enough so that the roast does not stick to the pan,<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[1]<!--[endif]--> then add oil.
Sear all sides of the roast until caramelized (golden brown).
Place on a rack of vegetables to allow for even heating.
Pre heat oven to 400°. Place roast onto middle rack of oven.
After 15 minutes reduce the oven heat to 375° and add vegetables of choice to the oven as well.
When the roast is at an internal temperature of 150° (check with a probe thermometer) remove the roast from the oven and allow to rest. When vegetables are fork tender remove them from the oven to serve for your dinner.
When the roast has rested for approximately 5-10 minutes slice into desired thickness.
For sandwich meat, portion meat into 2-3 slices per serving and wrap each portion in plastic wrap.
Place 4 to 6 of these portions into one freezer bag and store in freezer for easy access when making sandwiches for your lunch.

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<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[1]<!--[endif]--> Heat pan on med high heat. Add 1/8 tsp. of water. If the water stays in a ball and hovers over the surface of the stainless steel pan and does not evaporate the pan is ready. The pan is not ready if the water immediately breaks up and evaporates upon contact with the pan.

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